Vice President
As vice president of the board, the course and values of the student union are represented and developed. President and vice president have the overall responsibility of the organization together. This means that the president and vice president both are company signatories together and lead the work within the organization. On occasions when the president can not attend meetings or events, the vice president steps in to replace temporarily.Internal administration represents the tasks of the vice president to a large extent. This means computing invitations to meetings and preparing agendas and protocols. The other side of this is ensuring that these documents are available to members of HHGS as part of maintaining a transparent and open organization.
Externally the vice president is a board member of the Axel Adlerberts Stipendiefond and Stiftelsen Förutvarande.Claims from the recreation fund belong here and are handled by the vice president and president. In addition, the vice president is a member of the board of the cooperative body of Göteborgs Förenade Studentkårer which participates in the political arena and influences local politics.