Subsidy Request

Down below you can find all the funds that we are handling within the Student Union, who they are for and when you can apply!

The Axel Adlerbert Stipend Fund

This fund is for HHGS members.


The Axel Adlerberts Stipend Fund was founded in 1938 by a man named Axel Adlerbert. Adlerbert himself studied at The School of Business Economics and Law and graduated in 1929. He later became an honorary doctor of the school. The purpose of the Stipend Fund is to enable the Student Union Board to give stipends to members of the student Union who have made themselves known as “a good friend”.

Who can I nominate?
  • You can nominate anyone who is a member of HHGS
  • You can not send in a nomination regarding yourself
  • You can nominate several people for the same action, then you send in the same nomination regarding all of them at once
  • You can also nominate several individuals separately by filling in the form again for every new nominee

But what does a good friend mean then? We do not have the answer and Axel Adlerbert probably did not either. Everyone interprets the meaning of a good friend differently and that is part of the charm of this fund. The most important thing is that you nominate someone who you believe fits in the description and that you in a good way describe why we should think so as well.

You send in the nomination by filling in the form below.

The nomination is opened twice every year, once in the spring and once in the fall. The nomination period for the fall is open between 25th of November and 8th of December.

If you have any questions regarding The Axel Adlerberts Stipend Fund don’t hesitate to contact Hilda Persson at or Stella Donning at

The Business Relations fund

This fund is for Associations & Projects within HHGS. 


The purpose of the Business Relations Fund is to give financial support to associations & Projects and in return give exposure to HHGS.

Furthermore, the Business Relations Fund is one of the ways that HHGS takes responsibility for the environment by financing products that are sustainable and/or can be used over several years, i.e. don’t have a year or name on them.

Criteria for a subsidy request from the Business Relations Fund:
  • The logotype must be visible (see below to download the logotype).
  • Subsidy requests from the Business Relations Fund are primarily for profile materials that are going to be used in longer periods of time, not for single posters.
  • Every subsidy request is unique. We are open for new ways of exposing the logotype. Contact businessrelations@hhgs.seif you think it is worth requesting from the Business Relations Fund.
  • Must have contacted our communicated partner first if you are ordering profile material.
  • Take into consideration that the product which is the object for this request has to be used longer than a year. Furthermore, sustainable and environmentally friendly products will be prioritized when evaluating requests.
  • The goal of the Business Relations Fund is to give exposure to HHGS. Therefore, requests are expected to give proper exposure to the members of Student Union.

The Head of Business Relations aims to approve or deny a subsidy request within a timely manner.


The HHGS logotype can be found here

The Recreational fund

This fund is for Associations, Projects & Committees within HHGS. 


The purpose of the Recreational Fund is to award HHGS’s associations, projects or committees who, in different ways, contribute to the benefit of HHGS members.

What can I receive a grant for?

According to the swedish “urkund” the purposes of the fund is the following:

To receive a grant from the fund, your association, project or committee must do something in accordance with purpose number two, four or five.

The purposes are explained below.
         2. Create an opportunity for either recreation, sports-and outdoor activities or social gatherings for members of HHGS.
         4. Support social activities for HHGS members.
         5. Contribute to the activities within HHGS in another suitable way.

The fund is not applicable to a member of HHGS on their own. It can only be applied for by an association, project or committee within HHGS.

The fund is open to request money from twice every year, once in the spring and once in the fall. This application period is only for events that are held during the spring. If you want funding for an event during the fall you can apply for that in the next application period.

The application period for the spring is now closed. The next application period will open in the fall.

We encourage you to be creative in your applications because the purposes of the fund can be interpreted quite wide. You should write a detailed application where you describe why the activity fulfills the purpose of the fund. Please do one application per event, that makes it a lot easier to get an overview of the events and applications.

If you have any questions regarding the Recreational Fund please contact the President  Hilda Persson,, or the Vice President Stella Donning,

The Programme Section Fund

This fund is for Program Sections within HHGS. 


The purpose of the Programme Section Fund is to ease the financial burden of HHGS’s
programme sections who contribute to the benefit of HHGS members.

The Student Union Board has been made aware of an increased need of funding. It is our
wish that the programme sections, with the help of this fund, can expand their operation and
further benefit HHGS members through social activities.

How & when to apply:

Apply for The Programme Section Fund by filling out the application. A link to the
application will be available on the website. There is no specific period of time that the
application is open, instead the form can be filled out continuously throughout the year when
the programme section has an idea for an event. Write a detailed application where you
describe the event and how it will benefit HHGS members. It is possible to apply for more
than one event, as long as you send in one application per event.

Example of viable events:
  • “Sittning”
  • Exam breakfast
  • Outdoor activities
  • Other social events
  • The event must be aimed for HHGS members within the program, not only the
    programme section board.
  • The event must follow other HHGS policies as well.
  • The subsidy is not allowed to be spent on alcoholic beverages.
  • To receive funding the programme section has to report back at a maximum of 2
    weeks after completed event. The report will describe how the subsidy has been spent
    and must include pictures of the receipts.

Please note: In case of several viable applications, the applications with the biggest need of
funding will be prioritized.