Event calender
Göteborg, Västra Götaland 40530 Sweden

Gothenburg, Gothenburg 40530 Sweden

Gothenburg, 41128 Sweden
Göteborg, Västra Götaland 40530 Sweden

Göteborg, Västra Götaland 40530 Sweden

Göteborg, Västra Götaland 40530 Sweden

Göteborg, Västra Götaland 40530 Sweden

Göteborg, Västra Götaland 40530 Sweden

The "avsits"
This day marks the end of one year in HHGS. All of our associations, union companies and projects are invited to celebrate this together with the boards of HHGS. The purpose of this event is to thank all the resigning members for their hard work within the union.
Valborg (walpurgis)
The last day in April we celebrate Valborg in Sweden every year. Valborg marks the arrival of spring and is celebrated by spending lots of time outside with family and friends – usually around a huge bonfire. Of course this is celebrated by HHGS as well.
We celebrate this by inviting our members to different events, mostly parties and hangouts in parks. By tradition we also play the Swedish sport “Brännboll” which is like baseball but much easier. The celebration varies from year to year, so keep yourself updated and look for the yearly events. Come celebrate the arrival of spring with us!
Each year HHGS arranges the Initiation weeks for all new students on basic level at the School of Business, Economics and Law. Everything is planned by 15 students that are part of the Nollnings- och Fadderakademin (N&FA), who are all passionate about welcoming you to the school and creating memories for life!
If you wish to add your event to the HHGS event calendar, fill in the form below