FAQ for Associations
How do I book Hyllan for a sittning?
You can book it via our booking page.
How do I book entertainment for the sittning?
To book entertainment, contact the respective association you want to book. Associations usually charge for performances or entertainment. See all of our associations here!
What are the requirements for non-alcoholic alternatives?
At events where alcohol is served, you must also offer a non-alcoholic alternative. The non-alcoholic alternative must correspond to the type of alcoholic beverage served. If alcohol is sold, the non-alcoholic option must be cheaper than the alcoholic option. A non-alcoholic drink offered needs to be free.
How much alcohol can we serve?
The ticket price may include a maximum of 3 units of alcohol + one unit of 4 cl. This amount of alcohol assumes that you also offer food. Exceptions include banquets and balls, where you can also offer one unit of welcome drink. If guests do not buy tickets, you can offer a maximum of two units of alcohol.
Does anyone have to be sober at our function?
If you serve alcohol, at least one person must be sober.
How do I get iZettle?
You use iZettle to allow your guests to pay for the drinks sold at the sessions. You need to book it via the form. for hyllan on the booking page well in advance and let us know what kind of drinks you will be selling.
What other venues can be booked for a sittning?
Here are some suggestions for other premises you as a student association can book for events:
- Studenternas hus, to book studenternas hus contact exp.gota@gu.se
- Handelspuben, to book the pub, contact the Sexmästeri via tradition.sexmasteriet@hhgs.se
Can I apply money from the “Studenternas hus subsidy?”
For all sittningar you host at Studenternas hus you can apply money from the Studenternas hus subsidy, your application has to be handed in 6 weeks before the event. Your application has to be signed by the HHGS president.
For more information contact president@hhgs.se.
When should I fill in the regain outlay paper?
If you have made a purchase to be used for association/project purposes, you must fill in a regain outlay slip. This form should be submitted in the mailbox located outside the CFO´s office, which is located in the student union offices.
Where can I find the regain outlay paper?
The papers can be found in the HHGS offices outside the CFO’s office.
How do I fill in the regain outlay paper?
The receipt should be stapled to the back of the regain outlet paper. You must keep your receipt to get your money back. Other information should be filled in according to the instructions on the slip. The “reign outlay paper” must be signed by the member of the association who has preemtion right, (teckningsrätt) provided that the purchase does not exceed their preemtion right.
What does it mean to have preemtion right? (In swedish teckningsrätt)
The preemtion right means that you act as a representative of HHGS and can through this approve purchases on behalf of your association or project up to the amount you have a subscription right for. As the holder of the preemption right, it is your responsibility that the members of the project/association are aware that the section’s activities are part of HHGS. The reason why each section or association must have a preemtion right is that only the HHGS leadership has a preemtion right according to the statutes. The amount for each project or association is stated in the agreement regarding preemtion right that the union president has entered into with the chairman or financial manager, but usually this amounts to SEK 3000. Some associations or projects have preemtion rights for higher amounts and also have the opportunity to sign agreements, this appears specifically in the subscription right in that case.
How do I make purchase with my preemtion right?
If your association or project wants to make a purchase over the association’s/project’s preemtion right, the purchase must be approved by someone in the union board. All union board members can approve up to SEK 10,000, the vice-president and president can each approve purchases up to SEK 30,000.
Other questions see our economy page here
HHGS bookable resources
The HHGS car
How do I book the car? You can book the car here!
What can I use the car for?
You can use the car for events related to HHGS activities. Examples of occasions where the car can be used are to buy things for meetings,
Student union office rooms
How do I book the meeting rooms in the union’s premises? You can book the rooms here!
What type of meeting rooms are there in the union’s premises?
There are a total of 4 meeting rooms. Styrbord and Babord have 12 seats, Hytten has 6 seats and Dingen has 4 seats.
Who can book a meeting room in the HHGS offices?
To book a meeting room in the HHGS offices, you need to belong to one of HHGS associations and the meeting needs to be related to something that concerns HHGS.
How do I book a classroom?
You book a classroom via the booking page.
Access to the HHGS offices
What is access?
As a board member of an association or project in HHGS, you have the right to access the HHG offices. This means that you can use your GU card to enter the HHGS offices outside opening hours.
How do I get a key to the project/association’s storage room?
Many associations and projects have storage facilities. As a rule, each chairperson has a key to the storerooms. In some exceptional cases, the vice-chairperson or other relevant position may also have a key to the association/project’s storeroom. You contact forvaltning@hhgs.se and indicate that you want a key to your association/project’s storeroom. You will then be contacted when you can pick up the key, you need to pay SEK 400 in deposit to get the key
Can you help with internal problems in our association/project?
Yes we can. The vice president is HR within the Student Union Board but of course wishes to help all of HHGS associations, projects, committees and companies to have good and healthy relations within their group. Therefore you are always welcome to contact the Vice President or any other board member you feel comfortable with. To get help with questions regarding any type of internal problems and we will do our best to guide you through it.

Gustav Wallberg