Education Committee
The Student Union (HHGS) represents the student’s voices in all questions regarding the education at the School of Business, Economics and Law. The Education Committee is the main communication party between the students and the education managers. We make sure that the education keeps the high quality that its supposed to have, and we make the education develop and improve. We always try to help if you think that something education-related is wrong or problematic.
Except from monitoring the education we also arrange events related to education. For example Speak Up Week where we collect opinions from students about the education, to make sure that we work with the right questions and to make our work more credible and reliable.
We also work together with the programme sections to always be close to the students. As a course ambassador you are always welcome to contact us if you have any kind of problems or questions.
Do you want to engage in the education?
We always look for new friends in the committee! Welcome to try out what it’s like to be in the committee. EDUC does not require a lot from you, and you can always choose on what level you want to engage.
See you!