Internal invoices
If you want to send an invoice to another association within HHGS please send an email to with the following information:
- Amount
- Reason of invoice
- Account in budget
- To what association
If you want to send an invoice to a company please send an email to with the following information:
- Name of company/name of individual
- Organisation number/Social security number
- Address where we should send the invoice (NOT visiting address etc unless they are the same)
- Reference person
- Invoice amount (HHGS is a tax-free organisation and do not add tax on invoices)
- Description of what the invoice refers to
- Delivery, by email or by mail
- If nothing else is decided: 30 days expiration date and 10% late interest.
A template for your budget which will be reviewed by HHGS “kårledning” for approval. You must make your associations budget according to this template to make it easier for everyone involved in the economic work. It is ok to remove accounts that are not used and add accounts from the account overview in tab 2 and 3.
HHGS have Izettle-machines that can be used for people that want to pay by card. It is an easy paying system to handle and it makes it easier for everyone to handle payments for events and it gives you better control over the selling. The most common reason for using Izettle is for selling alcohol at events. You have to make a booking before using Izettle, with one week notice. Then you will have to come to the student union and borrow an Ipad and Izettle-machine.

Samuel Broschè