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Visit us
If you need help with your membership, have any questions about HHGS, our associations or just want to hang out, you are always welcome to visit us! Our receptionist Lena is available Tuesday to Thursday from 9.00-14.00 via phone, she can help you with anything regarding your involvement in the union. No matter if you need to renew your membership or buy a ticket to an event, or have a question – Lena can help you!
Contact HHGS
Feel free to contact us with any questions you may have and we will get back to you as soon as we can. You can either fill out the form below, or if you want to get in touch with a specific person or role, visit the page “the board” and the contact information will be there.

Lena Gavin
Tues-Thurs 9:00-14:00
+46 (0)31 18 80 90
Vasagatan 1
411 24 Göteborg
Have you experienced an issue in connection with HHGS or at the school that you would like HHGS to handle? Click here